High Speed 2 Enabling Works – Section 61 Consent and Construction Monitoring
Sound Solution Consultants provided construction noise impact assessment in September 2017, for a principle contractor covering an area of the High Speed 2 enabling works. The scope of works extended to include additional noise impact assessment and night working in 2018; resulting in two approved Section 61 (prior consent to carry out construction works) applications with the Local Authority.
As part of the Section 61 consent, compliance monitoring for noise and vibration was conducted at nearby residential properties to ensure that agreed noise and vibration limits were not exceeded. As part of the compliance monitoring and alongside engagement with the residents, a noise issue was identified and successfully mitigated by replacing construction plant with a suitable, lower noise alternative.
The contractor has maintained noise and vibration monitoring throughout relevant periods of Section 61 works to ensure that their construction activities adhere to local authority requirements, until works are completed.
The noise and vibration data that has been collected as part of the monitoring in the Three Rivers and Chiltern Districts since April 2018 has been made available on the Government website.